Conference Call for Papers

Featured Opportunities in Call for Papers

Every year thousands of conferences are organized by Universities, Departments, Academic Centers, Schools, Institutes, NGOs, Foundations, International Organizations, Banks, and Hospitals.

Unlike conferences organized by non-academic institutions such as international organizations, banks, and forums, where the conference participants are invited without distributing a call for papers, academic conferences disseminate calls for papers long before the conference start date inviting scholars and scientists in the field to submit their papers. 

Regular conferences are primarily organized by departments, institutes, societies, and associations of the particular field.

If the academic conference organizers care about their prestige, authority, and reputation, they will send the conference announcement, i.e., call for papers, months before the conference date. Usually, conference organizers distribute conference calls for papers 2 or 3 times and remind academic communities around the globe about the academic convention they organize. 

Each conference organizer can read the following guide about how to promote the conference call for papers internationally.

Thus, the announcement that informs about the dates, deadlines, topics, venue, application procedure, and other conference details is called "Conference call for papers". 

Usually, a conference call for papers is distributed 6-12 months before conference dates. Call for papers is distributed via academic mailing lists and appropriate websites with details about the application procedure. Some conferences provide travel grants or accommodation, so these details will also appear in the international call for papers.

Still, many other conferences are organized for certain groups, and usually, a call for papers is not distributed, and the conference organizers are just inviting the participants. In such cases, only the conference program appears for distribution, or the conference is being organized even without a publicly announced program.

Explore the biggest paper database on ARMACAD

ARMACAD believes that each conference has to be properly announced, and the organizers must give a chance to all interested scholars, scientists, and researchers worldwide to find relevant conference call for papers.

There are many calls for papers' databases, and ARMACAD is among those. This section presents international and local conference call for papers, with full details about the deadline to apply, dates of the conference, and the venue. If conference organizers offer conference travel grants or scholarships, ARMACAD will make sure this information appears in the announcement.

ARMACAD invites all academic organizations worldwide, banks, NGOs, government organizations, and other relevant parties to submit their calls for conference papers on As soon as the call for papers is published, it will be distributed to a target audience of academics, researchers, and students worldwide.