Conferences organization
Every conference has a program. Usually all academic conferences are open for the public and everyone interested may attend any of the panels of the conference. Thus a conference program is an important item to guide all conference participants during the event.
For the public, local or international conference program is announced several days prior to the conference start. But the speakers of the conference receive the draft versions of the conference they are going to participate several weeks before the conference via email. Draft versions change for several times, until the final version goes live.
Unfortunately, many conference programs never appear online and remain unpublished only being distributed through some professional mailing lists. Publishing the conference program online may serve as a conference alert and accordingly it will support the popularization of that particular discipline around which the conference is organized.
All conferences start with registration, which usually starts early in the morning and may last for around 1 hour. Some conferences charge participation fee and conference registration desk is exactly the place, where the fee has to be paid. Registration to conference may be also for free not only for the speakers but also for the general public.
Academic and science conferences are mainly organized by academic institutions inside the academic buildings, such as departments, libraries, etc. But sometimes conferences may be organized in other venues, such as parliaments, hotels, government buildings, etc.
Some academic conferences have very narrow and specific characteristics and may be interesting only for few, but there are also interdisciplinary conferences, which cover huge areas of scientific disciplines. Small international conferences may have only 1-2 page program, when interdisciplinary conference programs may cover several pages.
Conferences database on ARMACAD.INFO - biggest online finder
Conference organizers very often distribute the conference program only as a poster with some photo in the background. Though the posters are helpful for being printed in big formats, they are not very useful for websites, because there is too much information on a small piece of picture. It is always preferable, alongside the conference program poster to distribute also the full program in text version. In this case, it will be easier for international conference website systems, such as ARMACAD, to republish conference program and make it available for more interested researchers and academicians worldwide.
The conferences database on ARMACAD is updated daily and we try to bring online all conference programs available to us. Our system allows academic institutions to post programs of conference they organize. ARMACAD is also the best place to find programs of seminars and conferences in any country on any discipline, such as education conferences, physics conferences, history conferences, etc.